Running FOSSY will take a lot of help from people like you! Volunteers receive free admission and lunch for all 4 days of the conference.

If you are interested in volunteering in some capacity, please make an account on this site and fill out our form here.

Here are some areas we need volunteers:

  • Set up
  • Take down and Cleanup
  • Room host (assisting speakers in setup, etc)
  • Registration/welcome table
  • Attendee assistant (greeting, general help, way finding)
  • Transit guide (take people to and frome transit destination)
  • AV (please give level of experience)
  • Photographer (please give level of experience)
  • Code of Conduct Team (training required)
  • Team Leader (run a group of above mentioned volunteers - please list any experience with this)
  • Any other ideas you might have or want to do!