Presented by

  • Mikael Vidstedt

    Mikael Vidstedt

    Mikael Vidstedt is Senior Director of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) in the Java Platform Group at Oracle. Over the last 20+ years he has worked across all the various aspects of Java and JVM technologies, focusing on everything from compilers and optimization to operating systems and server virtualization. He has worn many hats, including that of JVM tech lead and Architect. Mikael holds a master’s degree in Computer Science from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm, Sweden.


For close to three decades the Java technology stack has been powering the world, running everything from edge device to enterprise server-side workloads. The Java Platform Group at Oracle is heavily investing in ARM64, working closely with Ampere to ensure that current and future applications run securely and with high performance. In addition to designing and implementing new features to leverage the natural strengths of the hardware, the team has also delivered a long list of performance enhancements to future and existing versions of Java through OpenJDK. This session will cover key projects and features in the Java platform, how they relate to ARM64, and showcase the performance improvements they have resulted in.


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