Presented by

  • Rie Namba

    Rie Namba

    Rie currenly works at the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology ( )at University of British Columbia. Rie designs, develops, supports and maintains resources to facilitate the use of open practices in teaching and learning (specifically Wiki, WordPress and H5P). Rie provides consultation to students, faculty, and staff who are incorporating open practices in their work and develops, implements, and curates educational resources and materials (guides, handouts, tutorials, websites) that address teaching and learning-related professional development needs and improve upon sustainable practices for resource sharing. Rie is also part of the stewardship committee member of the ETUG (Educational Technology Users Group -


At the University of British Columbia, we host a variety of open source software platforms to support instructors in adopting various teaching practices. This session will specifically focus on MediaWiki, WordPress, and H5P as tools for instructors interested in incorporating open practices into their courses and projects. We will go over use cases, and discuss the challenges and considerations we encounter in supporting both instructors and students.


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