
LX is currently a founder of a group app called Fractal and a student and practitioner of patterns of collective practice. They have been a product leader working on communication and collaboration tech for about 12 years. They're a board member at Prosocial Design Network and Tech Fleet, a past Resident Fellow at the Integrity Institute, a steering committee member of the Council on Tech and Social Cohesion, a member of Aspen Institute's Virtually Human working group, a mentor with PDX Women in Tech and All Tech is Human, and a consultant helping nonprofits develop product discovery practices. LX Cast is mostly water and collections of bacteria and bone and stardust. An emergent invention. Canadian West Coast island-born former New Yorker current Portlander curiouser researcher reader leader shape shifter code switcher beginner elder young a flash of light technologist social engineer experimental questioning contradictory vegan (except for brownies) consultant recoverer contributor community practitioner strategist poet weirdo professional queer non-binary neurodivergent raised-Quaker seemer listener fox cook step-parent partner collaborator co-keeper teacher coach flaneur aesthete hiker hard to locate reliable emerging being who practices synthesis learning listening walking investigating supporting reflecting confusing growing perplexing and occasionally punctuating.


LX Cast