FOSSY 2024 Health and Safety Guidelines

Our attendees' health and safety have been a top priority for us. Our goal with this policy is to balance our limited resources as a small non-profit while being mindful of our attendees and their families. We are aiming to provide a welcoming and safer environment for people who are immunocompromised, disabled, elderly, have support needs, or are caregivers for children, and those of us who share households with or caretake for people in those groups.

There are two outdoor gathering locations and air filtration units within each of the track talk rooms. Hand sanitizer will be available for all attendees.

We value all of our attendees and want everyone to feel welcome to participate in any way they can. In turn, we ask that you, as attendees, respect your fellow attendees and do what you can to create an environment that is safe and welcoming to all.


Face coverings will be strongly encouraged but not required at FOSSY this year. However, the Software Freedom Conservancy staff and any person working at the Registration desk or participating in the Code of Conduct committee will be wearing masks (Exceptions will be given when staff members are presenting).

We will be distributing masks so long as our supplies last, but attendees should plan to provide their own masks should we run out.

Rapid Testing

We highly encourage attendees to do a rapid test before traveling and each day of the event. Unfortunately providing free, rapid onsite testing for all attendees is not feasible, but if purchasing your own tests is a financial hardship, please contact us and we will help you acquire some.


Individuals should not attend the event if they are COVID-positive, are exhibiting COVID symptoms (as defined by the CDC), or have been exposed, within 7 days prior to the event, to someone who was COVID-positive or showed COVID symptoms.

If you are feeling sick or exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, or test positive for COVID-19, prior to the start of the conference, or on any day of the conference, please contact us at, and we will issue you a refund. Please also let us know if you need help figuring out any logistics should you be sick.

These guidelines may change based on health and safety recommendations at the time of the event. We are committing, however, to only make changes in the direction of greater safety.