Presented by

  • Jeremy Adams

    Jeremy Adams

    Jeremy has enjoyed working with people and computers at Dagger, GitHub, Twistlock, and Puppet. These days he's thinking about and hacking on a lot of pipelines, trying to make things a bit more magical.


You want contributors and and new maintainers to get up to speed quickly in your project, but for many complex OSS projects, the chances are slim that a new contributor can actually create a development environment, test an improvement, and get it across the line without a lot of assistance. Often the, suggest that the best contributions are "non-code" because of the daunting tangle environment setup, local build and test scripts, and a completely different stack in CI. There may even be several competing local environments contributed over the months and years to further confuse matters. In this talk, Jeremy will showcase open source projects that have had their local and CI experience harmonized by using open source Dagger. He'll show how it can make it easier to onboard new contributors and make the project more fun and productive.


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